Grounded Consciousness Healing Experience: Reiki, Unconditional Love & Sound
3 Pre- Recorded Sessions Bundle

Healing experience calling in the beautiful energy of Holy Fire® Reiki, Unconditional Love Transmission, and Singing bowls to work directly with your energy field.

Reiki, Unconditional Love Sound Bath Healing Experience

3 Recordings Available to Experience:
Embracing Gratitude
Embracing Peace &
Embracing Intention

Reiki Meditation Experience
Sound Bath with Tibetan/Crystal Singing Bowls
Unconditional Love Transmission
Included upon registration:   access to all three recordings.
A grounded consciousness healing experience is a meditation in which sound is incorporated with reiki and Unconditional Love to flow harmoniously, working directly with each individual as they listen, every time they listen.  In this experience the listener is guided into connecting to their heart and the vibration of gratitude, being embraced by unconditional love, surrounded by their highest guides for support, messages and love, releasing any negative energy in free will choice, and a meditation to connect directly with Holy Fire® Reiki Divine energy.

Some of the benefits include:
  • Sound meditation & Reiki can help you feel deeply relaxed, peaceful, and connected to your experience in a safe, harmonious way.
  • Vibrations of sound have been found to work on a cellular level and over time can change an individual's brain wave patterns.
  • Singing Bowls often induce a theta state of being. Theta opens us to the Universe and the knowledge & love inherent within it.
  • Through muscle testing I have even been able to witness beliefs changing through the use of specific sounds to recalibrate our consciousness.

3 recordings are available from the Monthly live Grounded Consciousness Energy Healing Transmission incorporating sound, reiki & Unconditional Love. I feel called to share these Live recordings with you to assist you on your journey. When two or more gather in connection and healing the energy amplifies and has the ability to be experienced on an even greater level.

How to Prepare for a Grounded Consciousness Healing Experience?  

Be prepared to listen and receive.  Allow yourself space to just BE.  The recording will be calling in and activating your own individual energy transmission.  Each time you choose to listen will be a new experience. 

Headphones are recommended.  

Sara Gasch

Spiritual Coach, Teacher, Healer, Mentor, Divine Channel


ThetaHealer® Master Practitioner and Instructor with a Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing, Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master Practitioner & Teacher, Certified Magnetic Mind Coach, Spiritual Coach, Sacred Soul Alignments® Practitioner, Stone Medicine Practitioner, Vibrational Healing Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Certified Light Language Activator & Advanced Hand Analyst. Creator of the system of learning: Soul Purpose Mapping™- Practitioner Certification Course, Divine Fusion Healing and Intuitive Reiki, Empowered by Divine Unconditional Love.
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